“God has made laughter for me” – Sarah

And Sarah said, “God has made laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh over me.” (Gen 21:6) When Sarah was about eleven years old, I was walking through our kitchen in Georgia when suddenly, I was soaking wet.  An evil little young lady had drenched me with the hand sprayer from the kitchen sink …… Continue reading “God has made laughter for me” – Sarah

Jesus and His Rocky Family – Life Making Good Soil

If you are following along in Mark I am a bit behind on my posts, I have not talked about Mark 3:31-35 and Mark 4:1-20. So here is a couple of quick thoughts. Mark 3:31-35: The Family I What in the world? Jesus seems to blow off His family.  Actually, if you look back at… Continue reading Jesus and His Rocky Family – Life Making Good Soil

30 Years with My Bride – Pearl of Great Price

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls,  who, on finding  one pearl of great value,  went and sold all that he had and  bought it.”     30 years ago, when Lynn’s father placed her hand in mine and we began a journey together I had no idea… Continue reading 30 Years with My Bride – Pearl of Great Price

Just a glimpse – Marriage of the Lamb

This is the first of several posts I will be posting today for my bride of 30 years. Fortunately, God likes those odds.  We had recently become Christians although we really did not know what that meant.  At times, we would actually do everything we could to shipwreck our faith and our marriage, but God… Continue reading Just a glimpse – Marriage of the Lamb

Just a glimpse – Marriage of the Lamb

This is the first of several posts I will be posting today for my bride of 30 years. Fortunately, God likes those odds.  We had recently become Christians although we really did not know what that meant.  At times, we would actually do everything we could to shipwreck our faith and our marriage, but God… Continue reading Just a glimpse – Marriage of the Lamb